Best RMM for Small MSP

In today’s digital landscape, where businesses heavily rely on technology to operate efficiently, it has become essential for Managed Service Providers (MSPs) to have robust tools in their arsenal. Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) software is one such tool that has revolutionized the way MSPs manage and monitor their clients’ IT infrastructure. RMM software enables MSPs to proactively monitor, troubleshoot, and manage their clients’ networks, servers, endpoints, and other IT assets remotely.

Why Small MSPs Need RMM Software

For small MSPs, the need for RMM software is even more critical. These organizations often have limited resources and a smaller client base, making it challenging to manage multiple clients simultaneously. RMM software streamlines and automates various tasks, allowing small MSPs to monitor and manage their clients’ IT infrastructure more efficiently. By leveraging RMM software, small MSPs can proactively identify and resolve issues before they impact their clients’ businesses, leading to improved client satisfaction and trust.

Key Features to Consider When Choosing an RMM Software

When selecting the best RMM software for small MSPs, it is crucial to consider certain key features that can enhance productivity and efficiency. Firstly, the software should provide comprehensive monitoring capabilities, allowing MSPs to monitor network performance, server health, and endpoint security in real-time. Secondly, automation is a crucial feature that can save time and effort. Look for RMM software that offers automation features like patch management, script execution, and routine maintenance tasks. Integration capabilities with other tools and platforms should also be considered, as it allows seamless workflows and reduces manual effort.

Factors to Consider When Selecting the Best RMM for Small MSPs

Choosing the right RMM software for small MSPs involves considering several factors. Firstly, pricing is a significant consideration for small MSPs with limited budgets. Look for RMM software that offers flexible pricing models, such as per-device or per-site licensing, to accommodate the needs of small MSPs. Scalability is another crucial factor, as small MSPs often experience growth over time. Ensure that the RMM software can scale with the growing needs of your business without compromising performance. Additionally, consider the software’s ease of use, as a user-friendly interface can significantly enhance productivity and reduce the learning curve for technicians.

Top RMM Software Options for Small MSPs

Now that we understand the importance of RMM software for small MSPs and the key features to consider, let’s explore some of the top RMM software options available in the market. These options have been specifically chosen for their suitability for small MSPs.

  1. ConnectWise Automate: ConnectWise Automate is a popular RMM software that offers a wide range of features, including remote control, patch management, scripting, and automation. It provides excellent scalability, allowing small MSPs to grow their client base without any limitations.
  2. SolarWinds RMM: SolarWinds RMM is another top choice for small MSPs. It offers comprehensive monitoring and management capabilities, including remote access, patch management, backup, and recovery. SolarWinds RMM also provides integrations with other SolarWinds products, allowing MSPs to have an all-in-one solution.
  3. NinjaRMM: NinjaRMM is a user-friendly RMM software designed specifically for small MSPs. It offers a clean and intuitive interface, making it easy for technicians to navigate and perform tasks efficiently. NinjaRMM also provides robust monitoring and automation capabilities.

Comparing the Pros and Cons of Each RMM Software

While each RMM software mentioned above has its own strengths, it is important to compare their pros and cons to make an informed decision.

ConnectWise Automate offers extensive automation capabilities and scalability, but it can be overwhelming for beginners due to its complexity. SolarWinds RMM provides a comprehensive set of features, but the pricing may be a bit higher compared to other options. NinjaRMM excels in user-friendliness, but it may lack some advanced features that larger MSPs require. It is crucial to assess your specific needs and weigh the pros and cons of each software to find the best fit for your small MSP.

Case Studies: Success Stories of Small MSPs Using RMM Software

Real-world examples can provide valuable insights into how RMM software has benefited small MSPs. Let’s explore a few success stories:

  1. Company X: Company X, a small MSP, implemented ConnectWise Automate and experienced a significant reduction in response times for client issues. They were able to proactively identify and resolve issues before clients even noticed, leading to increased client satisfaction and retention.
  2. Company Y: Company Y, a growing MSP, adopted SolarWinds RMM and saw a substantial improvement in their operational efficiency. The automation features allowed them to streamline routine tasks, freeing up valuable time for their technicians to focus on more critical projects.

These success stories demonstrate how RMM software can have a positive impact on the productivity and success of small MSPs.

Best Practices for Implementing and Utilizing RMM Software

To get the most out of your chosen RMM software, it is essential to follow best practices during implementation and utilization. Firstly, define clear goals and objectives for using RMM software within your organization. This will help you align your usage with your business objectives and ensure maximum ROI. Secondly, invest time in training your technicians on how to effectively use the software and leverage its features. Regularly evaluate your processes and workflows to identify areas for improvement and optimization. Lastly, establish a feedback loop with your team to gather insights and suggestions for enhancing the utilization of RMM software.

Training and Support Options for Small MSPs

For small MSPs, having access to comprehensive training and support resources is crucial for successful implementation and utilization of RMM software. Most RMM software providers offer training programs, webinars, and documentation to help users get up to speed with the software’s features and functionality. Additionally, they provide technical support channels, such as phone, email, or live chat, to assist users with any issues or questions they may have. It is important to choose an RMM software provider that offers robust training and support options to ensure a smooth experience.


In conclusion, selecting the best RMM software for small MSPs is a critical decision that can significantly impact the efficiency and productivity of your organization. By considering key features, factors, and success stories, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your business needs. Remember to compare the pros and cons of each software and follow best practices during implementation and utilization. With the right RMM software in place, small MSPs can proactively monitor and manage their clients’ IT infrastructure, leading to improved client satisfaction, increased efficiency, and business growth.


Q: Is RMM software suitable for small MSPs with limited budgets?

A: Yes, there are RMM software options available that offer flexible pricing models, making them suitable for small MSPs with limited budgets.

Q: Can RMM software help small MSPs proactively identify and resolve IT issues?

A: Yes, RMM software enables small MSPs to proactively monitor and manage their clients’ IT infrastructure, allowing them to identify and resolve issues before they impact their clients’ businesses.

Q: What are some key features to consider when choosing an RMM software for small MSPs?

A: Some key features to consider include comprehensive monitoring capabilities, automation features, integration capabilities, and ease of use.

Q: Are there training and support options available for small MSPs implementing RMM software?

A: Yes, most RMM software providers offer training programs, webinars, documentation, and technical support channels to assist small MSPs with implementation and utilization.

Q: How can small MSPs ensure successful utilization of RMM software?

A: Small MSPs can ensure successful utilization of RMM software by defining clear goals, providing training to technicians, regularly evaluating processes, and establishing a feedback loop.

CTA: Explore the top RMM software options for your small MSP and start revolutionizing your IT management today!